When you stay in a serviced apartment, you get a room to cook, work, sleep and relax. You actually can get more space compared to a standard hotel. To get more info, click https://www.corporatekeysaustralia.com.au/serviced-apartment-accommodation/. Also, a typical one bedroom service apartment is actually twice the size of the average hotel room.
Try to avoid looking at apartments as something like a boring room. In fact, there are various types of apartments that you could find and comes with quality furnishings and interiors. Serviced apartments also have high quality bed linen, toiletries and towels. Visit here for more info. They even have first class home entertainment.
A serviced apartment is also private and is self-contained. You will also get assurance on security because they have security cameras that are working all the time, a secure entryway and have security staff around the clock. Learn more from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/apartment?s=t.